Tonight, Daniel and I were in the living room and Miss K was making her usual circles around the kitchen, hall, and living room. We are usually really good about leaving the door to our bedroom closed but I guess I didn't get it completely shut tonight. Apparently, Kenna thought we might need her to bring us some toilet paper so she brought it from the toilet room to the bathroom to the bedroom to the hall before we noticed how quiet it had gotten.
2025 Books
3 weeks ago
AHH...I LOVE IT!! She is getting so big! Can't wait to see her again!!
I laughed outloud! How funny!!
Ha ha! So far, we have avoided that one, but I'm sure it will happen. Maybe Kenna can show JD how it's done!
Ha ha ha ha ha
The best kid and toilet paper pictures I've ever seen!
Yes, this has to be the funniest toilet paper kid story I have ever heard. Too cute. Miss K has quite the personality!
Addison made a nest for herself out of an entire roll of toilet paper when she did it, amazing!
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