Monday, July 20, 2009


Sorry, no pics!
I just noticed that I had not updated in a while! I know that some of you have probably been going through a Kenna withdrawal but she was not home for a few days last week. Kenna and I flew to Muleshoe last weekend and then she stayed to play with her grandparents for another 3-4 days. You can check out pics on my parents blog. Hopefully they will be posting some more pics soon from her latest adventures.
This weekend was spent with me and Kenna snuggling. Poor baby has had a fever for the last 3-4 days and has wanted to spend time cuddling in Mommy's lap, reading books, and watching Mickey Mouse and Backyardigans. I looked her over on Saturday and thought it was probably just a virus but my Mommy brain overrode my PA brain and we went ahead and took her to the doctor today where they told us it was a virus. Guess I should have listened to my PA brain! :) Hopefully she will be on the mend soon. She has to provide me with some more blogging material! I was really sad that she was sick but I really enjoyed the extra snuggle time with my busy, on-the-go little girl.


Jodi said...

Hope K is feeling better soon!
I love that extra cuddle time too!
Even with my 6'1" 15 year old! :)

Abbe said...

Poor thing, I hope she feels better. Isn't amazing how all your medical brain goes out the window when it is your baby!