Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pictures of our White Christmas

We had a wonderful trip to Muleshoe to celebrate Christmas this year. Kenna went to stay with my parents a day early (they just couldn't wait any longer) and then Daniel and I drove in on the night of the 23rd. We arrived the same time as the "blizzard" that hit the area. Luckily, we didn't really hit the bad weather until we were only 30 miles from my parents house....of course, those 30 miles took over an hour! But what a beautiful, snowy view we had when we woke up on Christmas Eve! Mom decided that it was time for the girls (Abbye and Kenna) to learn to decorate Christmas cookies. She gave them a little help to show them how it was done before turning them lose with the cookie sprinkles.
She had to sneak a cookie in under the sprinkles or else Kenna would have been decorating the counter.....
It didn't take Kenna long to realize that it was a real cookie she had in her hand.

The finished product didn't look too bad.....I love the green snowman with the outline of the top of the sprinkles bottle right on his stomach.
Kenna loved all of the great presents that she got for Christmas. It did not take her long at all to realize that there was some fun stuff inside those wrapped boxes! Her favorite phrase of the day was "open". She got a fun stroller and baby from my sister and her family.....

.....a wagon from Mimzi and Poppy.....

....and a stick horse and some boots from my brother and his fiance (yep - he proposed on Christmas Day - YEAH!!).
We had to play peek-a-boo in the wrapping paper before she would let us put it all in the trash.

Despite the snowstorm, Santa made a visit to Muleshoe on Christmas morning. Kenna loved all of her presents.She quickly jumped on her new ride and put her cup in the cup holder to fully test it out.
She had to make sure that the cup would stay inside her truck, as she calls it, as she cruised around the living room. It has taken her a little while to get used to holding the button down to make the 4wheeler go (instead of going in little bursts every time you push the button), but she is quickly figuring it all out. Now she loves to "wide twuck".

She has always loved to rock in other people's chairs and will make you get out so she can be the one she has her own!!
We also had a lot of fun at Mama & Papa's and at Gran's house with all of the extended family before we made the trek back home, but I guess I didn't take any pictures while we were there!

I hope everyone had as much fun at Christmas as we did!


Amy said...

Fun! Fun! The cookie pictures are my favorite!

Hollye said...

LOVED being with your family!! LOVED Kenna coming early!! LOVED making Christmas cookies with the girls!! LOVED Christmas and LOVE you, Daniel and Kenna!!

Hollye said...

Also, love the pictures. Also, Dad said that Sunshine's baby was a bull.