Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Baby Shower

Last Saturday, two of my great friends from PA school, Amy and Kim, threw a baby shower to help welcome Dane into this world. They had lots of yummy food and everything looked great!
Miss K even got in on the action and had some presents of her own to open. She has fallen in love with her new golf clubs and plays with them all the time. Yesterday, she wouldn't give Daniel a hug bye until she had her golf club in her hand...then it was okay.
We received so many nice things!!
Me and the hostesses - Kim and Amy

Me and the Grandmas :)
Thanks everyone for coming....I had a blast and loved all the cute new goodies!!


Ssanchez said...

Congratulations on your new baby!

The baby shower looked awesome...

Sandra @

Amy said...

Cute! Cute! Can't wait to meet Dane!