Friday, May 21, 2010

Dane Oliver

Dane Oliver Boyd is here!! It still seems very surreal that I have two kids. He was born at 7:34 this morning and weighed in at 6 lbs 7 oz and was 18.5 in long. It is crazy to me how much my two kiddos look alike! Of course, they both entered the world at the same weight, but Dane is a little over an inch longer than Kenna was when she was born. Their mouths are VERY similar but I think Dane's might be a little larger.
Kenna is not sure what to think of being a big sister. She keeps wanting Mommy to get up out of bed and take her pajamas off! We have taken some pictures of Dane and Kenna together, but I still haven't put them on the computer yet and will try to take some better ones tomorrow.
I am already in love!


Anonymous said...

He is precious! Congratulations! Kenna cracks me up!

Amy said...

Yea!!!! Can't wait for more pictures!

Leslye said...

Welcome to the family Dane! We can't wait to meet you! Glad everyone is doing well! Can't wait to see the three boy cousins playing together!

Abbe said...

Congratulations!!! He's precious! It is so fun that he and Kenna weighed the same.

Lynn Leaming said...

Congratulations! Praising God for His gift of Dane! May you have as many special memories with him as you have had with Kenna.