Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend with only one

This weekend, Kenna spent the weekend with Grandpa and Grandma and Mercy. Her cousin Jackson was around for several days and we thought it would be fun for them to play together. I don't have any pictures of their escapades but I know that they had lots of fun on Friday. Unfortunately, Jackson was a little under the weather on Saturday with an upset tummy, but I don't think that stopped Kenna from enjoying her time at the grandparents.

Needless to say, it was VERY QUIET at our house this weekend. When the one child that you have at home spends a lot of time like this.... ...then you can get a LOT of those projects that pile up accomplished! I cleaned out part of our closet and two hall closets. Daniel did all the grocery shopping and a lot of work in the yard. And that doesn't include the normal laundry, dishes, etc. We felt very productive so we decided to end the evening with a little dip in the pool. Dane cried when we got him out. He loves the water! All you have to do is support his head and the rest of his body just floats to the surface... :)
We also went out to dinner twice. Quite a different experience when you have an 11 week old asleep in the carrier compared to a 2 year old who likes to be entertained!

While we enjoyed our weekend with only one kiddo, I miss my little girl and am ready to have her home this afternoon...our house is seeming a little too quiet.....


Jodi said...

so sweet! it's so fun to cherish these times - even when the two year old is away - what good memories for her going to the grandparents!! We love your family!

The Bynum's said...

Isn't it amazing how different it is now when you only have 1 kiddo. Seems so easy when the 2 year old is gone. Glad you got to enjoy a quiet weekend.