Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sleepover with JD

Saturday night, JD spent the night at our house so Jon and Mandy could go to the Wilderness Trek dinner. We decided that Mandy would spend too much time on the road if she dropped him off, drove to the dinner, drove back up to our house, and then home. We thought that having a sleepover would be a little easier on everyone.

JD and Miss K had sooo much fun together. They played and played on Saturday night. Sunday morning, Kenna Beth woke everyone up early (right after 6), so JD and I had a little snuggle time on the couch while I looked for some Wiggles on TV.
Once everyone had breakfast, JD and Kenna were ready to play again. Mandy had brought some new toys for JD to play and he has so much fun riding his plane around our living room/kitchen. Once he had made a few circuits, he decided to share with Miss K. She had fun riding (as long as her daddy was holding her on). JD pushed and pushed.Once JD noticed that Daniel had been holding onto Miss K, he decided he needed to help out his little cousin as well.
Another one of the toys that Mandy sent, was a ball popper (I am sure it has a more technical name, but....). Both kids had a blast with the popper. JD would chase the balls around that flew off of the track while Kenna just waved and waved her arms. It was so much fun to watch. (In this picture, JD was still on his plane)

Kenna had to investigate a little more and wanted to see how the balls were popping into the air.
I would say that the evening was very successful and we cannot wait to do it again. Once both of the kids have grown a little older, I am sure that we will be doing this a LOT. Next time we will have to invite Luke and Jackson!


Unknown said...

They are so cute together!

Supermom-In-Training said...

I LOVE the pictures together!! Thanks again for watching JD on such late notice. I think he had a great time with Kenna too. We will be happy to return the favor anytime!

Amy said...

Sounds like you had fun!