Thursday, April 21, 2011


I made a comment on facebook a few weeks ago that has repeated itself over and over and over this past week...thought I would post the whole story.

For her birthday, Kenna received the game "Hi-Ho Cherry-o" and promptly fell in love. The only problem with this game is that it is played with several tiny cherries that I am sure Senor Dane would put directly in his mouth - that is where everything goes these days! The rule became that we would play this game as soon as Dane went to bed. It didn't take long before Kenna started asking if it was time for Dane to go to bed...and that question usually came shortly after walking in the door and eating dinner. And then it came again every 15 seconds or so until it really was time for Dane to go to bed. A few nights ago, she decided that Dane was not finishing his night time bottle fast enough for her and thought she would help speed up the process. When that didn't go as well as she thought it should, she took matters into her own hands....literally. :)

Guess she was ready to play!

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