Monday, April 13, 2009

Kenna's 1st Birthday

As everyone already knows, Miss K celebrated her first birthday last week and we had a crazy, fun-filled weekend to follow! For as long as I can remember, my mom has taken our picture in bed on the morning of our birthdays. I decided to continue that tradition but Kenna stands up the minute you walk in the door. It is like she can't wait to get up and goes from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds!Gotta love that birthday bed head!
Kenna was very excited about her "one" t-shirt

Friday evening we had a "big birthday bash" for all of our family and Kenna had a blast!! We had the house all decorated and everything.

I even made the cake, from scratch, all by myself!!I thought it turned out all right if I do say so myself!

Kenna and Abbye had a lot of fun looking at all of Kenna's new toys and clothesKenna even opened some of the presents by herselfShe loved her new car seat and was hugging the box even though she did not know how much better her car rides are going to be!

Kenna got a new sandbox from us and I was surprised at how much she enjoyed her feet in the sand

JD grabbed the cars he had given Kenna and showed the girls how to play in a sandboxMy grandfather (Kenna's great grandfather) made her a rocking horse-which she loved!

Kenna keeps crawling over to the rocking horse and asking to "wock". When the horse would step she would try to rock it on her own ~ too cute!
Kenna was so excited about her crown with the flashing one. She would take it off, look at it, and then try to put it back on by herself

She dove into her piece of cake and then had a cupcake as well. She clapped and clapped when everyone sang Happy Birthday.

I think she enjoyed the cake....

My Happy Birthday girl!!

We had a great time at the party! The next morning we all left to go to Snyder for Easter but my camera battery died so I do not have any pictures of my little girl in her Easter dress so, everyone who took pictures of Miss K, send them to me!


Supermom-In-Training said...

Such a fun birthday girl!! Your cake was great!

Anonymous said...

The cake looks great! Good job. Glad Kenna had a wonderful birthday!

Leslye said...

Cake is so cute! As I said this weekend - You are the next Betty Crocker! :) Glad Kenna had a great birthday bash! Wish we could have made it to the party at your house too! Looks like you had a great time!

Unknown said...

Cake looks awesome, good job! So sweet.

Jodi said...

Happy Birthday Kenna!

Love the cake! How fun! There's nothing like a 1st birthday party!

And what a wonderful horsey! A treasure!

See you soon, I'm sure!
Jodi Sue :)