Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I posted this on Facebook so some of you have already read this, but I had to post it here as well.

Background info: Kenna knows (most of the time) where her nose is located and will point when asked.

Last night we were eating meatloaf for dinner and Kenna was eating really well. Apparently she likes meatloaf a lot! After she had been eating for a while and was starting to get full, she started playing with the food that was left on the tray of her high chair. We let her play for a little bit, but decided to step in when she thought it would be a good idea to throw food on the floor. Daniel looked at her and said, "Kenna, no-no". She looked at him very sweetly, said "no?" and pointed to her nose. How do you keep from laughing?


Andra said...

LOL...precious baby!

Anonymous said...

She is too cute!

Stacy Miller

Unknown said...

Oh, it gets so fun as they start communicating!