Monday, September 15, 2008

Miss K, The Energizer Bunny

I know I keep posting video with Miss K but, seriously, how can you avoid recording such a cutie?!?

Kenna has a jumper that she has at Mrs Cindy's so she can play when she is there for the day. This weekend I picked up a jumper from my friend Kim, who let us borrow their jumper so Kenna could have one at home as well. (I know, she is already spoiled). She is absolutely loving it and she does it ALL DAY LONG. She just bounces and bounces. Daniel said that today, even when she would get hungry or ready for a nap, she would just keep jumping until he decided it was time for a change of scenery. She just keeps going and going and going.....

Of course, when Daddy is in charge of the video camera, you have to be prepared for any possibility....even a close up of Miss K's mouth.

I just wish I had that much energy!!


Andra said...

I love your video's! They always make me smile. And, this one made me exhausted. In fact, I think it got my heart rate up just watching. Maybe I should watch it several times a day. haha

Supermom-In-Training said...

I'm telling you - JD and Kenna are two peas in a pod!! He couldn't get enough of the jumper at that age!

Unknown said...

That's a perfect toy to borrow! Use it for the month or two that she's intersted in it, then give it back to make room for more! Amazing how much "stuff' infiltrates the house!

Suzanne Boyd said...

how cute! We should get a jumper for Luke! Kenna is getting so big...

Amy said...

Yea for jumpers!!