Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Future Gymnast

What an eventful weekend!

Saturday, Daniel's parents moved into their new house. All of the boys went up to help them move and it sounds like they got a lot done. I can't wait to see it all put together.

Saturday night, we met up with my study group from PA school. It was so much fun to see how much our group of five has changed! We have gone from three married and two singles to five married, seven kids (2 3-year olds, 2 2-year olds, a 10 month old, a 9 month old, and a 4 month old), and one on the way. It was madness...but so much fun! It was great to catchup with everyone and see their families.
Sunday we went to Jon and Mandy's for lunch to celebrate Ouida's birthday, which was actually on Friday. We have so much fun watching the kids play together. JD wanted to be everywhere the babies were and Kenna somehow found away to get underneath Luke. Miss K was content but I do not think Luke was too happy.
The cutest one year old nephew I have!

Miss K loved getting to play with grandma and took a good nap in grandpa's arms.

Now to the title of my post...

Daniel and I have been jokingly saying that Kenna will be representing the United States as a gymnast in the 2024 Olympics when she is 16 years old. She is tiny but strong so we think she may be the next Shawn Johnson. While we were at Kim's house on Saturday my friend Aaron decided to show us that Kenna was already well on her way to her Olympic dreams. Apparently she has quite the balancing ability and she cannot even sit up on her own yet! She laughed and smiled at the beginning but by the time I snapped the picture she was ready to get down! What do you think, are we Olympic bound?


Brooke said...

That is amazing!

Lynn Leaming said...

For sure Kenna has those strong legs for vaulting :)

Anonymous said...

Sure; just make sure that the Olympic gym is handicapped accessible!

Amy said...

We all need to start saving our money!